Morocco Itinerary In 7 Steps

Morocco itinerary

Morocco is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history. Fortunately for those on a tight budget, there are plenty of sights to see and experiences to have. First on the list would be the Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca - it's the largest mosque in Morocco and one of the largest in the world! The mosque is open to non-Muslim visitors for guided tours, which doesn't cost a lot. The intricate details and stunning architecture of the mosque are sure to leave a lasting impression! Next, it's worth heading over to the blue city of Chefchaouen. This picturesque town is known for its blue-painted buildings and narrow streets. It's a great place to wander around, take photos, and soak up the laid-back atmosphere. [This post was brought to us by our friend, Monika. Thank you Monika!]

Morocco Itinerary In 7 Steps

There are also several hiking trails in the surrounding mountains, which offer stunning views of the town and the surrounding countryside. And remember: no trip to Morocco is complete without a visit to the souks of Marrakech! These bustling markets are a sensory overload, with vendors selling everything from spices and textiles to pottery and jewellery. Bargaining is expected, so be prepared to haggle for a good price! Even with a small budget, you can easily pick up some unique souvenirs to take home.

#1. Sahara Desert

After crossing the High Atlas, southwards, the Sahara is reached. The arid mix of plain, mountain and rolling “waves” of sand seas can be explored on quad bikes or in 4x4 vehicles. To spend a night in a Bedouin camp further deepens the desert thrill (although it can be very chilly at night!). Small desert communities can be visited in order to gain insight into their traditions and ways of life in this harshest of environments.

#2. Mefiss: the Local Open Pit Mine

It's worth stopping in Mefiss. Here you can see the quarries where even today Eyliner coal is laboriously mined. A guide called Hassan told me that he himself worked here as a child after his father died at an early age! He also gave me such a stone, very shiny and special :)

#3. La Musée du fossiles et minérales

On we went to the fossils - it's incredible what can be found here in this plain! This small museum contained fascinating treasures and outside we see a whole "turtle family". Some of the fossils are still cut and polished by hand. You can buy beautiful plates, polished coral fossils and snails.

#4. The Marha Plain, the Stairway to Heaven and German Art in Morocco

We continued with the guide to the Marha Plain. Which is a special place. First we drove near the Stairway to Heaven, we could already see it from far away. Impressive! The entrance fee, however, costs! So we continued to the next sight, the City of Orion and then finally to the golden spiral. Also impressive! The sheer vastness, coupled with these strange eye-catchers. Shapes and relations - the relation of the vastness and to the universe - to the stars - yes, that touched me.

#5. The round mountain - Gara Medouar

We continued to the next sight, the round mountain. Already from a distance it stood out from this eternal expanse. It is said that caravans used to seek shelter from sandstorms in this mountain and also that there was a Portuguese prison here in the last century! Its entrance was walled up at that time, inside there was a huge courtyard. The mountain walls were peppered with caves that were once the cells. This mountain - like so many other places here - was also the backdrop for various movies (the most famous being 'The Mummy').

#6. Essaouira

Essaouira offers fresh, ocean-side air, a very extensive beach & relaxing promenade as well as the, by contrast, bustling Medina area. Narrow lanes lead me past a myriad of shops, stalls, cafés, and restaurants. The harbour is crammed with working fishing boats with many nautical activities to watch and enjoy. As well as Essaouira, there are many other smaller Atlantic coastal villages between it and Agadir to the south that offer very calm and relaxing seaside options.

#7. Ifrane, Ouzoud Waterfalls

In the High Atlas, there are towering mountains and deep, river-cut valleys. Here Berber communities cling on by sheer endeavour. Travelling here, either on a hike/trek or on a travelling tour in a 4x4 vehicle, revealed a fascination of people going about their countryside business, in the fields, in the marketplaces, along the routes. There were many chance encounters and meetings (and often informal invitations to drink some mint tea) which added great joy to an already enlivening environment.

Wrap Up: Morocco Itinerary In 7 Steps

So that's it, our 7 step itinerary of Morocco! Marrakech, the High Atlas, the Sahara, Mefiss, the Marha Plain, Gara Medouar, Essaouira and the Ouzoud Waterfalls, it's such a fascinating adventure!

What about you, have you ever been to Morocco? Feel free to share any tips & advice below!

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We overland. We eat plants and fungi. We live outside as much as possible. We are all connected. A female travel blogger overlanding and writing about ecotourism, ethical and sustainable travel, socially conscious travel and housesitting. An online travel magazine since 2015.


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