Hidden Gems of Portugal: Beyond the Algarve

portugal hidden gems

While everyone and their grandmother seems to be flocking to the Algarve (don’t get us wrong, it’s gorgeous), we decided to venture off the beaten track and explore some of Portugal’s lesser-known treasures. Equipped with our trusty cycling clothing by Sigr for comfort during our cycling commute, we set out to uncover the hidden corners of this incredible country. Buckle up, because we’re about to take you on a wild ride through the heart of Portugal!

First stop: Berlengas Islands

Picture this: a tiny archipelago off the coast of Peniche, home to a single lighthouse, crystal-clear waters, and more puffins than people. Welcome to Berlengas! We took a slightly choppy boat ride from Peniche (pro tip: bring motion sickness tablets if you’re prone to seasickness) and spent the day exploring this little slice of paradise. The highlight? Snorkelling in the protected marine reserve. The water was so clear we could see fish darting around our feet before we even got in! We also hiked up to the lighthouse for panoramic views that’ll make your Instagram followers green with envy.

Next up: Monsanto

Ever wondered what it would be like to live under a rock? Well, the folks in Monsanto can tell you! This village in eastern Portugal is famous for its houses squeezed between, under, and sometimes even in giant boulders. It’s like something straight out of The Flintstones! We spent a day wandering the narrow streets, marvelling at the ingenious architecture, and trying to wrap our heads around how people managed to build homes around these massive rocks. The cherry on top was watching the sunset from the castle ruins at the top of the hill. Pure magic!

Third stop: Douro Valley

Wine lovers, this one’s for you! While everyone knows about Port wine, the Douro Valley where it comes from is criminally underrated. We spent a few days here, cruising down the Douro River, visiting family-run wineries, and pinching ourselves because it all felt too beautiful to be real. One of our favourite experiences was helping with the grape harvest at a small quinta (wine estate). There’s something special about squishing grapes between your toes, knowing they’ll eventually turn into delicious wine. And yes, we did try to recreate that famous I Love Lucy scene!

Fourth destination: Comporta

Looking for a chic beach getaway without the Algarve crowds? Comporta is your answer. This laid-back village on the Troia Peninsula is where Lisbon’s cool kids come to unwind. Think long stretches of unspoiled beach, rice paddies, and a distinctly bohemian vibe. We spent our days here alternating between lounging on the beach, exploring the rice fields by bicycle, and indulging in some of the freshest seafood we’ve ever tasted. The local speciality, choco frito (fried tofu), is a must-try!

Last but not least: Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês

For our nature fix, we headed to Peneda-Gerês, Portugal’s only national park. This place is a hiker’s paradise, with rugged mountains, crystal-clear lagoons, and charming villages that seem frozen in time. We spent three days here, hiking through ancient oak forests, cooling off in natural swimming holes, and even spotting some wild Garrano ponies. The highlight was stumbling upon a local festival in one of the mountain villages. Before we knew it, we were dancing with the locals and feasting on traditional dishes. Talk about an authentic experience!

As we wrapped up our Portuguese adventure, we couldn’t help but feel like we’d uncovered some of the country’s best-kept secrets. Don’t get us wrong, the Algarve is beautiful, but there’s so much more to Portugal than its famous southern coast. So, next time you’re planning a trip to Portugal, why not venture beyond the usual tourist trail? Trust us, you won’t regret it. From island paradises to boulder-strewn villages, from wine country to unspoiled beaches, and from mountain wilderness to hidden lagoons, Portugal has it all. Remember, the best adventures often happen when you step off the beaten track. So go on, be brave, and discover your own hidden gems. Who knows? You might just find your own little slice of Portuguese paradise. By the way (in case you're interested), here's a video about being vegan in Algarve and the rest of Portugal:

P. S. Don’t forget to pack a good pair of walking shoes. You’ll need them to explore all these amazing places!

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We overland. We eat plants and fungi. We live outside as much as possible. We are all connected. A female travel blogger overlanding and writing about ecotourism, ethical and sustainable travel, socially conscious travel and housesitting. An online travel magazine since 2015.


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