Navigating Moroccan Traditions: What Every Traveller Should Know

travelling morocco must know

Exploring the enchanting villages of the Atlas Mountains, venturing into the mesmerising Sahara Desert, and immersing oneself in the vibrant medinas and bustling marketplaces—Morocco offers a captivating blend of diverse landscapes and a rich cultural tapestry. Experiencing Moroccan life can be quite overwhelming for the average traveller, particularly in the bustling and densely populated areas.

First Impressions and Street Life

It’s quite an experience to come across intense exchanges in Arabic, exotic animals or birds being led on a leash, motorcycles racing through bustling alleyways, and locals trying to sell you certain products, all in a matter of minutes. Amidst the colourful street scenes, you might even notice traditional restaurant furniture, intricately crafted and arranged outside small eateries, adding to the charm of the vibrant market atmosphere. Having a good grasp of the local customs in Morocco is essential to steer clear of any confusion or potential scams.

Essential Tips for Travelling in Morocco

Allow me to share with you some essential tips for travelling to Morocco. I’ll provide you with important information, insights into local culture, and helpful advice for travelling on a budget. To discover the essential insights for a memorable trip to Morocco, here's everything I discovered during my incredible month in Morocco! It's truly a remarkable country, but there are a few insights I wish I had been aware of in advance.

Cultural Insights

Here are some aspects of Moroccan culture that every traveller should be aware of:

Understanding Moroccan Religion and Customs

For those who have never visited a Muslim country before, it’s important to note that most Moroccans practise Islam. This cultural aspect adds a unique flavour to the country’s atmosphere. Throughout the day, you’ll be captivated by the enchanting sound of the “call to prayer” resonating from the speaker perched on the tower of a mosque.

Respecting Local Dress Codes

In this country, it is common for women to dress modestly and cover their bodies. Occasionally, they choose to cover their hair and face too.

moroccan culture things to know

Even at the beach in the middle of summer, it’s fascinating to observe how women embrace their unique sense of style by opting for full dress and confidently wading into the water without hesitation.

Dining Etiquette and Local Cuisine

When exploring new destinations, it’s often a delightful experience to savour the local cuisine, such as tagines, using your hands instead of cutlery. This is because Moroccans enjoy a unique dining experience, using their hands and a piece of bread to savour their meals by mashing and scooping the food into their mouth.

The Tradition of Mint Tea

Mint tea is a beloved drink in Morocco, enjoyed by locals and visitors alike. When it comes to enjoying a refreshing cup of tea in Morocco, locals have their own unique way of preparing it. Fresh mint leaves are carefully brewed in a traditional silver teapot, using boiling water. The fragrant tea is then poured into small glass cups, creating a delightful sensory experience.

Practical Travel Advice

Here's some further advice for travellers to Morocco:

Embracing Moroccan Time

In contrast to the norms of many westernised societies, Moroccans have a more relaxed approach to punctuality and often prefer to arrive fashionably late. The breakfast service begins no earlier than 8:30 am.

Understanding Animal Exploitation

This reality deeply saddened me, and I had no choice but to come to terms with it during my journey in Morocco. In Marrakech, visitors can have the experience of being chauffeured through the city streets in horse-drawn carriages, which is of course cruel to horses no matter where in the world you are. It is unfortunate to witness the mistreatment of animals for the sake of tourist entertainment. Monkeys are dressed in tutus and chained up, while snakes appear to be under the influence of drugs during performances by so-called “snake charmers.”

Wrap Up: How to Navigate Moroccan Traditions

I strongly encourage individuals to refrain from endorsing such cruel treatment of animals. However, it’s important to keep in mind that the local customs and way of life in Morocco may be different from what you’re used to, so try not to let it dampen your spirits while travelling. I’ve never seen so many stray cats and kittens in any other place like Morocco. While not all felines make it, I’ve witnessed numerous residents showing great care towards cats. It’s not uncommon to come across fish or meat scraps left on street corners, attracting the attention of stray cats. Occasionally, you’ll even spot locals showing affection and cuddling with these furry friends.

What about you, have you ever been to Morocco? Feel free to share any tips & advice below!

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We overland. We eat plants and fungi. We live outside as much as possible. We are all connected. A female travel blogger overlanding and writing about ecotourism, ethical and sustainable travel, socially conscious travel and housesitting. An online travel magazine since 2015.


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