Getting Your Car Ready for a Smooth UK Road Trip

uk road trip car prep

A road trip can be an exciting and affordable way to see a number of attractions in a short space of time. But when things go wrong with the vehicle you’re travelling in, the trip can be brought to a swift halt. To give your road trip the best chance of success, it’s worth performing a few essential checks before you set out.

Check Tyres for Safety and Efficiency!

Your tyres are arguably the most important component of your car, as far as maintenance is concerned. Make sure that they are adequately inflated, and inspect them to ensure they are free from bulges and that the tread isn’t worn out. For a car to be legally roadworthy, the tread will need to be greater than 1.6mm, which is about the thickness of the border around a 20p piece. If you notice excessive tyre wear or damage, this might indicate other areas of neglect on the vehicle. If your test is due, it might be time to book an MOT online to make sure everything is roadworthy before setting off.

Inspect Fluids: Oil, Coolant, and Windscreen Washer!

To function properly, your car relies on a number of essential fluids. You can check your oil levels using a dipstick – just make sure that the car is parked on level ground, and that the oil has had time to settle. It’s worth changing your oil every so often. If you’re taking a long trip during winter, you might switch to an oil that’s formulated to cope with cold weather. The same applies to your wiper fluid – if it’s freezing inside the pipes, then it’s probably time to increase the concentration of screenwash.

Packing Your Car

If you don’t pack efficiently, then the amount of luggage you take with you could be limited. Take stock of your available boot space and organise it appropriately. There are several essentials that will help you in certain situations. Spare tyres and first-aid kits can be invaluable in emergencies.

road trip in uk prepping car

You’ll also want to ensure that the load is evenly distributed to improve the vehicle’s handling. Don’t overload your car unnecessarily. Doing so could compromise your fuel efficiency. Take only what you need, or what your car can comfortably handle.

Test Your Battery and Lights!

Before setting out on a long road trip, it’s important to check that all of your car’s electronics are in good working order. Inspect the battery, checking for any corrosion around the contacts. Check all of your lights too. If you’re setting off in daylight, you might not notice a burnt-out bulb until it’s needed. It’s worth keeping a supply of spare bulbs in the car, so you can replace them when necessary.

Plan Fuel Stops and Service Stations Along Your Route!

Not all service stations are created equal. As such, it’s worth planning which ones you’ll stop at in advance. This is especially important if you’re travelling through remote parts of the country, where filling stations might be scarce, or if you’re driving an electric car. In the latter case, ensure that you have alternative charging stations in mind in case a charging point is unavailable.

What about you, how do you get your car ready for a road trip? Feel free to share any tips & advice below! (Photo by Illiya Vjestica on Unsplash)

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We overland. We eat plants and fungi. We live outside as much as possible. We are all connected. A female travel blogger overlanding and writing about ecotourism, ethical and sustainable travel, socially conscious travel and housesitting. An online travel magazine since 2015.


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